SIG OFFICERS (2022-2023):
Davide Bizjak (University of Naples Federico II), SIG CHAIR (
Edoardo Mollona (University of Bologna), PAST SIG CHAIR (
Lucia Michela Daniele (University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”), GENERAL TRACK CHAIR (luciamichela.daniele@
Anna Pistoni (University of Insubria), PROGRAMME CHAIR (
Ilaria Tutore (Parthenope University of Naples), COMMUNICATION OFFICER (ilaria.tutore@uniparthenope.
Maria Coscia (Parthenope University of Naples), CO-COMMUNICATION OFFICER (maria.coscia001@studenti.
GT01_00 Business for Society General Track
The Business for Society General Track addresses how organizations interact with their social, political and natural environment. Consistently with the interdisciplinary nature of this field, the general track aims at cross-fertilisations with colleagues from economics, political sciences, sociology and humanities, to investigate how organizations may actually contribute to sustainable development. In line with the EURAM 2023 theme: “Transforming Business for Good”, the track welcomes contributions aimed at providing theoretical and practical answers to the following question: How, why and under what conditions can business act for society?. The General Track particularly welcomes topics not explicitly covered by other B4S tracks.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 1: No poverty, Goal 3: Good health and well-being for people, Goal 4: Quality education, Goal 5: Gender equality, Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, Goal 10: Reducing inequalities, Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production, Goal 13: Climate action, Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
Lucia Michela Daniele, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” – luciamichela.daniele@
ST01_01/ST02_01 – Rethinking the Responsible Corporation: Bridging Management, Law & Purpose (B4S & CoGo SIGs)
(co-sponsored by Business for Society SIG-01 and Corporate Governance SIG-02)
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Kevin Levillain, MINES ParisTech, PSL Research University,
ST01_02 – Performance measurement and management for sustainability
Measuring sustainability performance plays a central role in implementing the sustainability strategy and developing relationships with stakeholders. It implies to implement practices and mechanisms to measure, represent, report, disclose and communicate firm’s performance, embracing environmental, social and economic aspects. We aim to attract papers which critically review and advance theory, methodology and practice on: sustainability and environmental reporting, social balance sheet, integrated reporting (IR), non financial disclosure, quality and assurance of sustainability disclosure and IR, the impact of institutional context (i.e. EU) and other drivers, management control and performance measurement for sustainability, the role of CFO and the controller.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 3: Good health and well-being for people, Goal 5: Gender equality, Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation, Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy, Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Goal 10: Reducing inequalities, Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production, Goal 13: Climate action, Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
Lucrezia Songini, University of Eastern Piedmont,
ST01_03 – Finance and Economy for Society: Inclusion, Empowerment and Sustainability
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 1: No poverty, Goal 3: Good health and well-being for people, Goal 4: Quality education, Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy, Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, Goal 10: Reducing inequalities, Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production, Goal 13: Climate action, Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
Sharam Alijani, NEOMA Business School,
T01_ 04 – Collective Action for Transformative Movements: Projects, Ecosystems, Civil Society, and Public Policies
This topic inquiries about how collective action promotes transformative movements. Transformative movements can arise from communities, projects, social movements, organizations, and governments. They happen in contexts that can be understood like ecosystems being boosted by collective action. Stakeholders’ engagement, entrepreneurship, and collaboration among different sectors tend to result in innovation and social change. Transformative movements are geared to social and environmental problem-solving within ecosystems that can develop in a sustainable way. We are interested in multidisciplinary studies aimed at understanding, describing, or analyzing any level of collective action for transformative movements. Case studies are most welcome.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, Goal 10: Reducing inequalities, Goal 13: Climate action
Irene Ciccarino, Centre of Applied Research in Management and Economics of School of Technology and Management of Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (CARME/ESTG/IPLeiria) –
T01_ 05 – Finance for Good: Financial Literacy, Education and Sustainability
The aim of the proposed topic, in coherence with the title of the conference (Transforming Business for Good), is to hasten researchers of different social sciences and management fields to debate together the interconnections between financial literacy and financial education initiatives and the challenges faced at individual, social, organizational, political level to obtain a finance environment apt to sustain a fair and sustainable environmental, social and economic development. Contributions from researchers in banking, corporate finance, organization behavior, management education, and others social sciences field are welcome.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 1: No poverty, Goal 2: Zero hunger, Goal 3: Good health and well-being for people, Goal 4: Quality education, Goal 5: Gender equality, Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Goal 10: Reducing inequalities, Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities, Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production, Goal 13: Climate action, Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions, Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
Daniele Previati, Department of Business Studies – Roma Tre University –
T01_ 05 - Finance for Good: Financial Literacy, Education and Sustainability
T01_ 06 – Philosophy for business ethics
The topic aims to collect any kind of study that successfully applies and adopt philosophical paradigms to explain, interpret, and impact ethical behaviours in management and business. We are looking for novel or established approaches to create synergies between philosophical studies and managerial disciplines. Both in terms of theoretical paradigms and methods of analysis employed, we are open to a broad range of elements: Virtue Ethics, Consequential and Non-consequential Ethics, Marxist and Gramscian Ethics, Continental Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, CSR, Sustainability and Business Ethics, Corporate Misconduct and Corporate Political Activity, Ethics of Care, Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Business Ethics.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 3: Good health and well-being for people, Goal 5: Gender equality, Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
Guglielmo Faldetta, Kore University of Enna –
T01_ 07 – Re-Sourcing Management? Arts, Philosophy & Media as Sources of Organizational Knowledge
We welcome contributions that investigate the sources of organizational knowledge through empirical research or theoretical accounts. In our understanding, those sources have to be found in ancient disciplines and practices, till arriving at the very archetypes of our social cohabitation and our sense-making of the world: the thought that becomes philosophy, the matter that becomes art, the relation that becomes medium. While arts and media have long been considered as objects of management knowledge and business practices, we invite scholars to consider them also as sources from which management could learn, looking “Now” at the past to inspire the future.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 4: Quality education, Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, Goal 10: Reducing inequalities
Domenico Napolitano, Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Naples, Italy –
T01_ 08 – Social, climate and environmental justice: The transformative role of organisations and supply chains
We aim to reinvigorate the study of sustainability in organisations and supply chain management through the adoption of justice lenses. We welcome scholars from all fields whose work contributes to transformative organisational and supply chain practices consistent with the principles of justice, especially those engaged in critical and engaged scholarship (Touboulic, McCarthy and Matthews, 2020). We also encourage decolonized perspectives that question the sustainability solutions provided by Northern and ‘developed’ countries and provide alternative solutions grounded in different perspectives from the Global South and East.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 10: Reducing inequalities, Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production, Goal 13: Climate action, Goal 14: Life below water, Goal 15: Life on land, Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions, Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
Lee Matthews, University of Nottingham –
T01_ 09 – Social Innovation, impact culture and the Next Generation Economy
Social innovations are urgently needed as we confront complex social problems. As these social problems feature substantial interdependencies among multiple systems and actors, developing and implementing innovative solutions involve the re-negotiating of settled institutions or the building of new ones (Wijk et al., 2018). The never-ending fascination shown by scholars and practitioners for social innovation might depend on the relation between the “crisis society” (Moralli, Allegrini, 2020) and the need for a radical rethinking of the way in which capitalism has been conceived in the last decades (Cuz et al., 2017).
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities, Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
Luigi Corvo, Department of Management and Law, University of Roma –
T01_ 09 - Social Innovation, impact culture and the Next Generation Economy
T01_10 – Transition to Circular Economy Business Model supported by innovation and Industry 4.0
Learn to apply the elements of a circular business model to a traditional business model supported by the artefacts and technologies of industry 4.0 and innovation. We await papers that are aligned with the themes: circular economy transformation in supply chains and organizations; digital transformation and circular economy; big data and circular economy; artificial intelligence and digital economy; finance supply chain management and circular economy; green recovery and circular economy; rethinking product design for a circular economy; changing business models and shifting systems thinking; rethink consumer ownership, transitioning from products to services; the economic benefits and social impacts.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 3: Good health and well-being for people, Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities, Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production, Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
Simone Sehnem, Unoesc and Unisul –