SIG OFFICERS (2019-2021):
Dr Hamid Kazeroony – Walden University, USA – SIG Chair
Dr Faiza Ali – Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan- SIG Co-Chair
Professor Edwina Pio, Auckland University of Technology New Zealand – SIG Program Chair
Professor Jawad Syed- Suleman Dawood School of Business, Lahore, – SIG Program Chair
PD Dr. Thomas Köllen, University of Bern, Switzerland – SIG Communications Chair & Standing Tracks Chair
Dr Sarah Richard, EM Strasbourg Business School, France – SIG Communications Chair
Professor Jasmin Mahadevan, Pforzheim University, Pforzheim, Germany- SIG Standing Tracks Chair
Plenary Chairwoman: Beverly Dawn Metcalfe, Visiting Professor Women and International Development, ESA Business School,
Doctoral Colloquium Coordinator: Hamid H. Kazeroony, Walden University, USA –
Special SIG Sessions Chairs: Luc Decray, Universite Caen Normandie,
GT05_00 Gender, Race and Diversity in Organisations General Track
The aim of the GRDO General Track is to advance and disseminate new scholarship and debates, which address all forms of inequalities in the global political economy. In addition, it aims at addressing how policy measures may be devised to nurture the inclusion of marginalised voices and work towards the social justice and well-being of all individuals and communities. GRDO covers all knowledge and content relating to gender, race, and diversity within and outside organisational boundaries, including cultural, societal, political, and geographical levels, to illustrate the intersecting dynamics of differences on several scales.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 1: No poverty,
Goal 5: Gender equality,
Goal 10: Reducing inequalities,
Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
Hamid Kazeroony – Walden University, USA –
ST05_01 Women, Gender, & Sexuality in Work, Organisation & Beyond
This track, sponsored by the Gender, Race, and Diversity in Organization’s (GRDO) SIG, focuses on gender equality and women’s empowerment in management, work and organization. We invite scholars and practitioners to submit papers that address ‘women’ issues in organizations from a variety of different perspectives.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 4: Quality education,
Goal 5: Gender equality,
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth,
Goal 10: Reducing inequalities
Edwina Pio , Auckland University of Technology,
ST05_03 – Migration / Identity / Power: Integration and Cross Cultural Management Challenges
Organizational and societal diversity is increasing, with migration as a key contributing factor. Yet, often, we observe critical ideologies of difference and sentiments of presumed ‘cultural difference’ that exclude certain groups, such as migrants. Management thus needs to figure out how to meet integration challenges, how to value diversity and do justice to multiple cultures, and how to acknowledge the intersectionality of people’s cultural and social identifications at work. We invite contributions that highlight critical effects and/or responsible practices, and that generally inform the management of culture, identity, diversity and migration.
We offer development towards a journal special issue (see full call).
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 5: Gender equality,
Goal 10: Reducing inequalities,
Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions,
Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
Jasmin Mahadevan , Pforzheim University,