The Strategic Management Special Interest Group (SIG) is devoted to promoting state of the art strategic thinking. We encourage dialogue along several interrelated lines of inquiry crucial for increasing scholarly and managerial understanding regarding strategic choice, competitive advantage, adaptation, and long-term performance and survival. We are committed to each year bring together scholars from all around the world to engage in the development and exchange of high-quality research ideas with the potential to fertilize and drive the future directions of scholarly and practitioner strategic thinking alike.
SIG OFFICERS (2021-2022):
Daniel Alonso Martínez (University of León, Spain) – SIG Programme Co-Chair
David Santana Corchuelo (Toulouse School of Management, France) – Communication and Social Events Co-Chair
Albena Björck (Zurich University of Applied Science, Switzerland), – Communication and Social Events Co-Chair
Nuno Oliveira (Tilburg University, Netherlands) – SIG Programme Co-Chair of kick off activities
Katharina Cepa (Lancaster University Management School, UK) – SIG Programme Co-Chair of kick off activities
Xavier Castañer, (University of Lausanne, Switherland),
Tomi Laamanen (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland)
Joan Enric Ricart (IESE Business School, Spain)
Henk Volberda (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
GT13_00 Strategic Management General Track
Strategic management is about setting the direction of a corporation and steering it through challenges in its environment. The discipline “deals with (a) major intended and emergent initiatives (b) taken by general managers on behalf of owners (c) that utilize resources (d) to enhance performance (e) of firms (f) in their external environments.” (Nag, Hambrick, Chen, 2007). The purpose of this Strategic Management General track is to foster research in areas not covered by the other more focused tracks.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 3: Good health and well-being for people, Goal 5: Gender equality, Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Goal 13: Climate action, Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
Daniel Alonso-Martinez , Universidad de León,
ST03_01/ST06_01/ST13_01 – Business Model – Strategy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Venturing
(co-sponsored by Entrepreneurship SIG-03, Innovation SIG-06 and Strategic Management SIG-13)
Business Model – Strategy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Venturing
The business model topic attracts continued interest in business research and practice (Massa et al., 2017; Foss & Saebi, 2017, Zott, Baden-Fuller and Mangematin; 2015: Spieth et al., 2014). However, despite ongoing research efforts to understand the business model and its role in firm performance, scholars face persistent questions about constituent components, sequences and contingencies for the process of business model innovation, impacting strategic intents of the firm to develop new value-creating and value-capturing activities.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy, Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities, Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production, Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
Patrick Spieth , University of Kassel,
ST13_02 – Behavioral Strategy
Behavioral Strategy has developed into an important new sub domain of strategic management research. By combining psychological research with the strategy domain, Behavioral Strategy aims at grounding strategic management on more realistic assumptions regarding human judgment and interaction. It thus transfers psychological research to an organizational context asking questions like “How can an improved psychological architecture of the firm lead to competitive advantage?
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Oscar Llopis , University of Valencia,
ST13_03 – CENA – Coopetition, Ecosystems, Networks and Alliances
Companies widely rely on alliance and/or coopetition strategies to face uncertainty, digitalization, innovation or environmental challenges and to achieve higher levels of performance. These strategies can be embedded in specific configurations such as networks, clusters, ecosystems or platforms. It seems essential to understand how firms can successfully implement alliance and coopetition strategies, especially in these specific configurations i.e., networks, clusters, ecosystems, platforms. This major issue can be explored at several levels (inter-organizational, intra-organizational, inter-individual) in different types of organizations (multinationals, associations, public companies, SMEs etc.) and in different industries (high-tech, low-tech, services, creative, etc.).
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
Anne-Sophie Fernandez , University of Montpellier,
ST13_04 – Mergers & Acquisitions and Divestitures: A Glimpse into the Future
The track aims to provide a forum for interdisciplinary discussion to further the analysis of the underlying dynamics shaping Mergers & Acquisitions (‘M&As’). It includes all elements of the M&A process: acquisition decision-making, target selection, due diligence, negotiation, implementation, maintenance, and divestitures that have a performance outcome(s). As an interdisciplinary track, strategic, organizational, cultural or human relations, financial and economic perspectives are welcome, particularly when combined to shed light on some of the conundrums in this area of research. We are eclectic in methodology and so encourage submissions that are qualitative, quantitative and mixed method. Conceptual papers are also welcome.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 3: Good health and well-being for people, Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions, Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
Audrey Rouzies , Toulouse School of Management,
ST13_05 – Microfoundations of Strategy: Dynamic Capabilities and Knowledge Mechanisms
Microfoundations have become an important topic in strategy research, linking explanatory mechanisms at the micro-level to macro-level organizational processes and outcomes. To enhance our understanding of the microfoundations of strategy, we seek research on dynamic capabilities that promote entrepreneurship, change, and innovation (e.g., cognitive managerial capabilities; sensing, seizing and transforming) and knowledge mechanisms that help balance between internal knowledge accumulation and external knowledge absorption (e.g., absorptive capacity; organizational learning). How do microfoundations shape, mediate between and provide explanatory mechanisms for aggregate strategy phenomena/ processes (e.g., digital strategy, strategic decision-making or open strategy)? We encourage both empirical and conceptual contributions.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Mait Rungi , Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences,
ST13_06 – Ambidexterity and Microfoundations of Strategy
The merged track with the title Ambidexterity and Microfoundations of Strategy consist of two merged tracks, and below a description of each track.
- Title: Microfoundations of Strategy: Dynamic Capabilities and Knowledge Mechanisms, primary proponent: Mait Rungi, Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences, Other proponents: Tega Akpobi, Coventry University and Mike Franz Wahl, Tallinn University of Technology
Microfoundations have become an important topic in strategy research, linking explanatory mechanisms at the micro-level to macro-level organizational processes and outcomes. To enhance our understanding of the microfoundations of strategy, we seek research on dynamic capabilities that promote entrepreneurship, change, and innovation (e.g., cognitive managerial capabilities; sensing, seizing and transforming) and knowledge mechanisms that help balance between internal knowledge accumulation and external knowledge absorption (e.g., absorptive capacity; organizational learning). How do microfoundations shape, mediate between and provide explanatory mechanisms for aggregate strategy phenomena/ processes (e.g., digital strategy, strategic decision-making or open strategy)? We encourage both empirical and conceptual contributions.
- Title: Ambidexterity and Microfoundations of Strategy, primary proponent: Lilla Hortovanyi , Mathias Corvinus Collegium, Other proponents: Henk Volberda, Amsterdam Business School; Marco Paiola, University of Padova; Roland Szabo, Head of Strategic and International Management Research Centre, CUB
Leading the digital transformation requires the firm to manage persistent tension between existing routines and new processes transforming the operation into collaborative systems of physical, software, and human agents. The company-wide change management calls for ambidextrous managers who lead the change while maintaining profitability regardless of size or industry.
To cope with change, microfoundations in strategy become helpful by linking explanatory mechanisms at the micro-level to macro-level organizational processes and outcomes. Dynamic capabilities promote entrepreneurship, change, and innovation (e.g., sensing, seizing, and transforming) and knowledge mechanisms that help balance between internal knowledge accumulation and external knowledge absorption (e.g., absorptive capacity).
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
ST13_08 – Business Ecosystems, Digital Strategy and Artificial Intelligence
This track aims to stimulate the debate on new research and practice insights in business ecosystem, digital strategy, artificial intelligence and the platform economy, especially with respect to challenges that firms, their leaders, and their stakeholders within the business ecosystem face. We are looking for theoretical approaches that help organizations to achieve sustainable competitive advantages in the digital economy and the business ecosystems involved. Furthermore, approaches to teach future leaders as well as critical discourse of needed skills and competencies to prepare for the challenges of the digital economy are welcomed.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 4: Quality education, Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Goal 10: Reducing inequalities, Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities, Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production, Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions, Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
Ke Rong, Tsinghua University –
Stefan Gueldenberg, University of Liechtenstein –
T13_09 Digital Strategy, Artificial Intelligence and the Platform Economy
This track aims to stimulate the debate on new research and practice insights in digital strategy, artificial intelligence and the platform economy, especially with respect to challenges that firms, their leaders, and their stakeholders face. We are looking for theoretical approaches that help organizations to achieve sustainable competitive advantages in the digital economy and the business ecosystems involved. Furthermore, approaches to teach future leaders as well as critical discourse of needed skills and competencies to prepare for the challenges of the digital economy are welcomed.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 4: Quality education, Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Goal 10: Reducing inequalities, Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production, Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions, Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
Stefan Gueldenberg , University of Liechtenstein,
T13_10 Network management in tourism and hospitality
Networking practices among businesses and authorities in the hospitality and tourism sector are becoming more critical now under the current challenging situation. Digital transformation, together with coordinated efforts among involved stakeholders within the expected more inclusive new normal, gives an entirely new meaning to networking and network management. Diversity in hospitality and tourism becomes a competitive advantage, and inclusiveness is needed to further enrich the dynamics for redesigning tourism products for regional, rural, and urban destinations. Urban innovation and the developments of city labs are vital components of new and more meaningful networking that requires more sophisticated and advanced network.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Marco Valeri , Niccolò Cusano University, Italy,
This year, the papers from tracks T13_11 and ST13_07, below, have been on an exceptional basis assimilated into
T13_11 Strategic Responsiveness and Adaptive Organizations
T13_11 Strategic Responsiveness and Adaptive Organizations
Firms operate in turbulent global markets and must adapt their business activities to persevere and thrive. They rely on an ability to sense environmental developments and responding in timely and meaningful ways. It entails reconnaissance and dispersed initiatives coordinated through rational analyses at the corporate center. The recent Covid-19 pandemic has shown that sensing and an ability to adapt to disruptive environmental jolts is essential. It pinpoints an urgent need to uncover effective response capabilities that can enable (some) organizations to adapt to the changing context. This track offers a venue to present new insights to this end.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 3: Good health and well-being for people, Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy, Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Goal 10: Reducing inequalities, Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities, Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production, Goal 13: Climate action, Goal 16: Peace, justice
Torben Andersen , Copenhagen Business School,
ST13_07 – Strategic Processes and Practice: Theorizing strategic processes and practices for sustainability
The SPP track aims to bring together organizational and micro levels of analysis to advance our understanding of strategy in the making (Chia & Holt, 2009). Previous research studied strategy with a practice lens and since then (Whittington, 2003) research on the emergent side of strategy (Mintzberg and Waters, 1985) remain scarce (Carter, Clegg, & Kornberger, 2008). Pieces studying strategy emergence investigated mainly discursive and socio-material practices, but other dimensions could be included too. We therefore invite innovative contributions to inform and theorize the emergent side of strategy, at a time in need of deep engagement to realise sustainability.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 5: Gender equality, Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production, Goal 13: Climate action
Aura Parmentier Cajaiba , Université Cote D’azur,