Sponsors & Publishers

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Stands at EURAM 2024


Sponsors at EURAM 2024

Founded during the challenging times of the pandemic, ConsultingSim has quickly established itself as a pioneer in delivering realistic & immersive consulting project simulations. Our initiative was sparked by the need to provide students with a hands-on consulting experience in a safe yet challenging environment, which led to the creation of ConsultingSim by an international team of seasoned consultants, leading academics, & innovative developers.

  • ConsultingSim stands unique as the only organisation that seamlessly integrates consulting coaching & theoretical knowledge with practical simulations. This unique approach ensures that participants not only learn but also apply their knowledge immediately in real-world-like scenarios, enhancing both understanding & retention.

  • We maximize the educational impact by directly linking theoretical insights with hands-on simulations. This approach allows participants to experience the immediate effects and practical applications of their decisions in a controlled environment.

  • Our simulations foster teamwork & creativity, encouraging participants to think critically & innovate.

  • We are dedicated to providing high-quality experiences that satisfy the rigorous demands of both academic institutions and the consulting industry. Our programs are crafted to ensure relevance, educational value, & practical utility.

Our offerings have been embraced by prestigious Russell Group universities & have proven effective in enhancing the academic and professional trajectories of our participants. Whether online, face-to-face, or in a hybrid format, ConsultingSim ensures a high-quality, gamified learning experience that is both engaging and educational.

School of Economics and Management (SEM) of Dalian University of Technology took the lead in introducing MBA degree education in China. In 1985, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, Dalian University of Technology established School of Management, one of the earliest management schools in China. Up to now, School of Management has been renamed as School of Economics and Management, with 3academic departments, 2 national engineering research centers (laboratories), 19 provincial and ministerial engineering research centers (laboratories), and the largest domestic management case-sharing platform –

China Management Case-sharing Center.
School of Economics and Management of Dalian University of Technology covers three first-level disciplines, namely Management Science and Engineering, Business Administration and Applied Economics. Its talent cultivation and academic research have formed distinct characteristics, Teaching and research achievements are consistently ranked among the top of similar higher education institutions in China. SEM has a high-quality teaching staff led by the Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. As the pioneer of the management case teaching method in China, SEM takes the lead in the adoption and promotion of the management case teaching method in domestic universities.
School of Economics and Management makes efforts to promote the internationalization of talent cultivation and has the largest number of international students of Dalian University of Technology. SEM has established long-term and stable cooperation with famous institutions in the world. It is the seventh institution in the Chinese mainland that obtained AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA, and CAMEA accreditations.

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