SIG OFFICERS (2023-2024):
SIG Chair: Faiza Ali, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan – faiza.ali[@]
SIG Co-Chair: Jawad Syed, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan – jawad.syed[@]
Programme Chairwoman: Beverly Metcalfe – ESA Business School Hamra, Beirut – metcalfebd[@]
Co-Programme Chair: Tamer Koburtay, Abu Dhabi University, United Arab Emirates – tamer.koburtay[@]
Track chair for ST05_01 Women & Gender in Work, Organisation & Beyond: Nosheen Khan, Newcastle University, UK – Nosheen.Khan[@];
Co-chair: Ali Farashah, Mälardalen University, Sweden – ali.farashah[@]
Communications officer: Frederike Scholz, Hogeschool Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands –
Past SIG chairs:
Jawad Syed – Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan – jawad.syed[@]
Hamid Kazeroony – Walden University, Minneapolis, USA – hamid.kazeroony2[@]
Beverly Metcalfe – ESA Business School Hamra, Beirut, metcalfebd[@]
Adeline Broadbridge – University of Stirling
GT05_00 – Gender, Race and Diversity in Organisations General Track
The GRDO General Track aims to advance and disseminate new scholarship and debates, which address all forms of inequalities in the global political economy. In addition, it aims at addressing how policy measures may be devised to nurture the inclusion of marginalised voices and work towards the social justice and well-being of all individuals and communities. GRDO covers all knowledge and content relating to gender, race, and diversity within and outside organisational boundaries, including cultural, societal, political, and geographical levels, to illustrate the intersecting dynamics of differences on several scales.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 1: No poverty; Goal 5: Gender equality; Goal 10: Reducing inequalities; Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions; Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
Primary Contact:
Faiza Ali, Lahore University of Management Sciences –
ST05_01 Women & Gender in Work, Organisation & Beyond
This track focuses on gender equality and women’s empowerment in management, work and organization. We encourage scholars and practitioners to submit papers that address women and gender-related issues in organizations from diverse perspectives. These issues involve diverse gender perspectives across various contexts and regions, as well as exploration of intersections between various roles and characteristics.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 4: Quality education; Goal 5: Gender equality; Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth; Goal 10: Reducing inequalities
Primary Contact:
Nosheen Khan, Newcastle University,
ST05_02 – Diversity issues in cultural context
This standing track, sponsored by Gender, Race, and Diversity in Organization’s (GRDO) SIG, focuses on diversity, inclusion/exclusion and (in)equalities in management and organizations within and across different countries, socio-economic contexts and cultures. We invite submissions that address these topics by adopting a variety of perspectives, using different methodologies, and focusing on various contexts. By bringing together research from different national, social and cultural settings, this track advances conversations about the different approaches to the management of diversity that have emerged in different contexts and about the way the broader surroundings in which organizations are embedded affect diversity-related processes.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 1: No poverty; Goal 3: Good health and well-being for people; Goal 4: Quality education; Goal 5: Gender equality; Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth; Goal 10: Reducing inequalities; Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities; Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production; Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions; Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
Primary Contact:
Henriett Primecz, Johannes Kepler University –
T05_06 – Role of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in Careers, Leadership and Sustainability
Recent research suggests that promoting diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI) at all levels of management and governance is likely to play an important role in achieving organizations’ strategic outcomes like innovation and market reach as well as in creating social impact and sustainable development. The intersection of DEI with sustainability is pivotal in addressing grand challenges. Promoting DEI fosters innovation by embracing diverse perspectives, essential for sustainable solutions. There is thus a vital need to examine the dynamics of DEI with respect to career development, leadership and sustainability across organisations, industries, professions, sectors, institutions and geographies. In line with the EURAM 2024 theme of “Fostering Innovation to Address Grand Challenges” we invite contributions from a broad range of foci to explore the Role of DEI.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
Primary Contact:
Sumita Datta, SPJIMR, Mumbai and ISEG, University of Lisbon –