The purpose of the OB SIG is to develop an ongoing and constructive dialogue among organizational behaviour scholars and practitioners to conduct research that is relevant for management theory and practice in the contemporary world. The OB SIG aims at promoting research and networking interests in individual and group behaviour in the organizational context by providing a wide-ranging, engaged and internationally-focused forum to discuss and develop research and practice in the field. In addition to well-established topics the OB SIG is open to and wants to encourage submissions to different new streams of research in private, public and non-profit organizations.
SIG OFFICERS (2020-2021):
OB SIG chair: Alessia Sammarra (University of L’Aquila, Italy) (
OB SIG Programme chair: Eleanna Galanaki (Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece) (
OB SIG Past chair: Zeynep Yalabik (University of Bath, UK)
Organizational Behaviour General Track Chair: Dinuka Herath (University of Huddersfield, UK)
HRM Track Chair: Silvia Profili (European University of Rome, Italy)
Team Performance Track Chair: Antonio Abrantes (ICN Business School, France)
Leadership Track Chair: Christof Miska (Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria)
SIG Communication Officer: Gayanga B. Herath (Syddansk Universitet, Denmark)
T09_05 – Big Data, Data Analytics and new forms of Work – Topic Chair: Yumei Yang (Bournemouth University, UK)
T09_06 – Meaning and Mindfulness at work in Global crises: The role of PayCap, Work Meaningfulness and Mindfulness at Work – Topic Chair: Miguel Pereira Lopes (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
2021 Award Winners
Organisational Behaviour Strategic Interest Group
OB SIG – Best Reviewer Award
The ex-aequo winners of the Best Reviewer Award for the OB SIG were Alex Cayrol, Grenoble Ecole Management, France, and Rosa Lutete Geremias, School of Social and Political Sciences, Portugal.
OB General Track – Best Paper Award
This year, the winning paper was “A pattern-oriented approach to study aggression: Implications for emotional well-being” authored by Hamsa Gururaj and Aaron Schat, McMaster University, Canada.
HRM Track – Best Paper Award
This year, the winning paper was “The joint role of HRM and leadership for teleworker well-being – An analysis during the COVID-19 pandemic” authored by Niklas Günther , Sven Hauff , and Philip Dorsel, Helmut Schmidt Univesity Hamburg , Germany.
Leadership Track – Best Paper Award
This year, the winning paper was “The choice of a leader: CEO sociopolitical activism as a signal of authentic leadership” authored by Moritz Appels, University of Mannheim.
Team Performance Track – Best Paper Award
This year, the winning paper was “Crowd-science projects: How leaders’ emotions shape online participation” authored by Alex Cayrol, Thomas Gillier, Grenoble Ecole Management, France, and Olga Kokshagina, RMIT University.
Big Data, Data Analytics and new forms of Work Topic – Best Paper Award
This year, the winning paper was “Feeling treated fairly? Employee Reactions toward AI in Career Development Systems” authored by Alina Köchling , Marius Wehner, and Sascha Ruhle, Heinrich Heine University, Germany.
Meaning and Mindfulness at work in Global crises: The role of PayCap, Work Meaningfulness and Mindfulness at Work Topic – Best Paper Award
This year, the winning paper was “Predictors of work alienation: Differences between hierarchical levels” authored by Arne Vanderstukken and Marjolein Caniëls, Open University of the Netherlands.
GT09_00 Organisational Behaviour – SIG General Track
The OB General Track is open to all papers that broadly fall into the domain of Organizational Behaviour but are not covered by the various other tracks of the OB SIG. The OB General Track is open to a variety of themes on both well-established topics and new streams of research in public, private and non-profit organizations. The submitted papers might be dealing with the attributes, processes, mechanisms, behaviours, and outcomes within and between individual, interpersonal, group, and organizational levels of analysis.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 1: No poverty, Goal 3: Good health and well-being for people, Goal 4: Quality education, Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Goal 10: Reducing inequalities, Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production, Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
Dinuka Herath , University of Huddersfield,
Andres Salas, Universitat de València,
ST09_01 – Human Resource Management
The standing track covers the complete field of HRM research, promoting theory and research development on important substantive and methodological topics in the field. Papers proposals falling within the broad domain of HRM will be considered, spanning from micro HRM to strategic HRM and international HRM subfields. Empirical studies, theoretical contributions and interdisciplinary research are welcome. The track aims at providing opportunities to reflect on the latest research in the field and strengthen international collaborations.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 3: Good health and well-being for people, Goal 5: Gender equality, Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, Goal 10: Reducing inequalities
Silvia Profili , European University of Rome,
ST09_02 – Team Performance Management
The standing track welcomes papers that study individuals in teams (e.g., how multiple-team membership impacts on individual learning and adaptation, how individual performance is influenced by team dynamics), teams as units (dynamic views on team processes, antecedents and consequences of team performance, team emergent states, team training, empirically supported team interventions, virtual teams) as well as the inter-team dynamics in larger social systems (e.g., multi-team systems dynamics and effectiveness, multiparty systems). The research topic is inclusive and we expect papers that use or combine theoretical insights from a variety of disciplines.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
António Abrantes, ICN Business School, France,
ST09_04 – Leadership
Leadership is a popular topic and core construct of interest within the field of organizational behavior, as it is a crucial factor influencing a range of organizational outcomes as well as employee well-being and health (among others). In light of its relevance and prevalence, we have created a specific track within EURAM to collect and curate related leadership research. This leadership track is purposefully broad to appeal to multiple paradigms and approaches spanning numerous EURAM topics. However, given our primary affiliation with the Organisational Behaviour SIG, we especially encourage micro- and multi-level theoretical and empirical papers.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 1: No poverty, Goal 3: Good health and well-being for people, Goal 5: Gender equality, Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, Goal 10: Reducing inequalities, Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
Christof Miska, WU Vienna,
T09_05 – Big Data, Data Analytics and new forms of Work
Fast paced changes in technology, computing and communication facilitate changes in the work environment. Many firms have introduced analytics based of big data to create efficiencies and enhance their agility. While many of these technologies are performance enhancing at the firm level, the impacts on employees are not well explored yet. As a result, many of these technologies enabled work practices have unknown consequences on health and well-being of employees, their willingness to embrace change and other work relevant employee and organizational level outcomes. The track aims to study these relationships with respect to core constructs in the OB/HRM domain.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Yumei Yang , Bournemouth University,
T09_06 – Meaning and Mindfulness at work in Global crises: The role of PayCap, Work Meaningfulness and Mindfulness at Work
The global Pandemic caused by the SARSCOV2-COVID19 has made a dramatic and potentially irreversible societal impact. A direct impact of the Pandemics is that on individual and organizational levels of stress and well-being, including at the workplace, both for those who were forced to work remotely from their offices and those who still had to keep working in the field in a more dangerous work setting. In this context, the aim of this track is to focus on the role of positive behaviors, states, traits, and/or processes related to job crafting, work meaningfulness, mindfulness, and work engagement in dealing with societal crises, such as that emerging from the current pandemic one.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Miguel Lopes , University of Lisbon (Portugal),