The European Academy of Management with an ad-hoc Strategic Interest Group on “Family Business Research” aims to be the ideal opportunity to assess the conceptual development, empirical research, and future directions of the family business field within a broader community of European scholars of management. We envision this SIG as an international arena to attract contributions of both new scholars of the field and scholars from the established community in family business, that will provide new insights on topics that have received significant attention in the past, as well as we especially encourage scholars to undertake innovative papers and discussions of topics that have not received much attention but are important in the field.
SIG OFFICERS (2020-2021):
Giovanna Campopiano (Lancaster University Management School, UK), SIG Chair
Daniel Pittino (Jönköping University), SIG Chair-Elect
Julia de Groote (WHU, Germany), SIG Programme Chair
Elias Hadjielias (Cyprus University of Technology), SIG Programme Chair-Elect & Communications Officer
GT04_00 – Family Business Research General Track
Family-owned firms are one of the foundations of the world’s business community. Their creation, growth and longevity are critical to the success of the global economy. Although family business research is progressing in terms of theory building, it still lacks a systematic adoption of thorough and theoretically-based frameworks. To advance our field, we welcome papers investigating one or several dimensions of family businesses, with multi-theoretical and multi-level approach, and cross-cultural research. We are particularly interested in advancing “Family Business” as an autonomous Research Field with contributions that offer rigor to the Academia and relevance to owner-managers, practitioners and local communities.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 5: Gender equality, Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
Giovanna Campopiano , Lancaster University,
This year, the papers from tracks ST04_01, ST04_02, T04_03 and T04_04 below, have been on an exceptional basis assimilated into GT04_00.
ST04_01 – Strategy, Innovation and Internationalization in Family Firms (SIIFF)
Rafaela Gjergji , Università Cattaneo – Liuc,
ST04_01 - Strategy, Innovation and Internationalization in Family Firms
ST04_02 – Family Business in Emerging, Developing, and Transitional Economies
Allan Discua Cruz , Lancaster University,
T04_03 – Critical events and resilience in family businesses
Elisa Conz , University of Pavia,
T04_04 – Governance, Goals and Behaviour in Family Firms
Jan-Philipp Ahrens , University of Mannheim,