The corporate governance SIG welcomes studies exploring all aspects of antecedents and consequences – of corporate governance and boards of directors. Contributions adopting a wide set of theoretical lenses and research methods are strongly encouraged as well as studies analysing corporate governance in different types of enterprises and institutional contexts, including different countries and regional cultures.
SIG OFFICERS (2020-2021):
Daniel Yar Hamidi (Boras University, Sweden) SIG Chair
Dennis B. Veltrop (University of Groningen, Netherlands) SIG Chair-Elect
Francesca Cuomo (University of East Anglia, UK) SIG Programme Chair
Amedeo Pugliese (University of Padua, Italy) SIG Programme Chair-Elect
Emma García Meca (Technical University of Cartagena, Spain) SIG Communications Officer
GT 02_00 Corporate Governance General Track
This is a general corporate governance track within the Corporate Governance SIG, which invites contributions from all areas related to corporate governance that are not explicitly covered by other tracks within the SIG. We welcome studies examining the antecedents and processes of governance as well as its consequences, for example, studies examining ownership structures, corporate social responsibility, international corporate governance, external corporate governance and the role of capital markets. We encourage paper submissions drawing from diverse theoretical lenses, using different research methods, and studying corporate governance in various countries.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 1: No poverty, Goal 2: Zero hunger, Goal 4: Quality education, Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, Goal 10: Reducing inequalities, Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
Francesca Cuomo , University of East Anglia – UEA,
This year, the papers from tracks ST01_01/ST02_01, ST02_02, ST02_03 and T02_05 below, have been on an exceptional basis assimilated into GT02_00.
ST01_01/ST02_01 – Rethinking the responsible corporation: new perspectives in governance, law & management (B4S & CoGo SIGs)
(co-sponsored by Business for Society SIG-01 and Corporate Governance SIG-02)
Kevin Levillain , MINES ParisTech, PSL Research University,
ST02_02 – Board of Directors and Top Management Teams
Dennis Veltrop , University of Groningen,
ST02_03 – Corporate Governance and Diversity
Patricia Gabaldon , IE Madrid,
ST02_04/ST08_02 – Sport Governance (COGO & MS)
(co-sponsored by Corporate Governance SIG-02 and Managing Sport SIG-08)
Christos Anagnostopoulos , UCLan Cyprus & Molde University College,
T02_05 – Rethinking corporate governance: incorporating values, foresight and corporate responsibility into board
Candice Chow , McMaster University,