SIG OFFICERS (2020-2021):
Edoardo Mollona (University of Bologna), SIG CHAIR (
Francesco Gangi (Università Degli Studi Della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli), SIG PAST CHAIR (
Lucia Michela Daniele (Università Degli Studi Della Campania, Luigi Vanvitelli), GT CO-CHAIR, PROGRAMME CHAIR (
Davide Bizjak (University of Naples Federico II), GENERAL TRACK CHAIR (
Ilaria Tutore (University of Naples Parthenope), COMMUNICATION MANAGER (ilaria.tutore@uniparthenope.
Luigi Corvo (Università degli Studi Roma Tor Vergata), PROGRAMME CHAIR (
GT01_00 Business for Society General Track
The Business for Society General Track addresses how organizations interact with their social, political and natural environment. Consistently with the interdisciplinary nature of this field, the general track aims at cross-fertilisations with colleagues from economics, political sciences, sociology, humanities, who investigate the conditions under which organizations may contribute to sustainable development. Coherently with EURAM 2021 theme: “Reshaping capitalism for a sustainable world”, the track welcomes work that explores how demographic, political and technological trends challenge management scholars. The general track particularly welcomes contributions not explicitly covered by other B4S tracks.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, Goal 10: Reducing inequalities, Goal 13: Climate action
Davide Bizjak , University of Naples Federico II,
ST01_02 -Measuring, managing and communicating on performance for sustainability: new trends and innovative tools
Measuring, managing and communicating performance for sustainability play a central role in the implementation of the sustainability strategy, and developing relationships with stakeholders. It comprises practices and mechanisms to measure, represent, report and communicate firm’s performance, embracing environmental, social and economic aspects. We aim to attract papers which critically review and advance theory, methodology and practice on: sustainability and environmental reporting, social balance sheet, Integrated reporting, non financial disclosure, management control and performance measurement systems for sustainability, quality and assurance of sustainability disclosure and IR, the effects on the organization and its stakeholders, the role of CFO and the controller.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 3: Good health and well-being for people, Goal 5: Gender equality, Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation, Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy, Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Goal 10: Reducing inequalities, Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production, Goal 13: Climate action, Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
Lucrezia Songini , University of Eastern Piedmont,
T01_08 – Rethinking the capacities of social and collective enterprises for a more sustainable world
Social and collective enterprises (SCEs) (co-operatives, mutuals and associations/NPOs), play an important role in many countries economy around the world. Despite their economic significance, social impact and the role they play in the emergence of environmental sound fields and activities, SCEs management specificities are understudied. However, times of crisis throughout history, like today, are proof of their capacity to the aspiration of a social transformation in connection with current transitions. The objective of this track is to examine the way in which SCEs adapt, innovate or mutate in the face of the crises and transitions that we are experiencing.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production, Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
Laëtitia LETHIELLEUX , University Reims Champagne Ardenne,
This year, the papers from tracks ST01_01/ST02-01, ST01_03, T01_04, T01_07, T01_09 and T01_11 below, have been on an exceptional basis assimilated into GT01_00
ST01_01/ST02_01 – Rethinking the responsible corporation: new perspectives in governance, law & management (B4S & CoGo SIGs)
(co-sponsored by Business for Society SIG-01 and Corporate Governance SIG-02)
Kevin Levillain , MINES ParisTech, PSL Research University,
ST01_03 – Finance and Economy for Society: Inclusion, Empowerment and Sustainability
Sharam Alijani , NEOMA Business School,
T01_04 – Advanced technologies and intelligent city ecosystems: moving toward inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable human settlement
Andrea Ganzaroli , University of Milan,
T01_07 – Philosophy for business ethics
Guglielmo Faldetta , Kore University of Enna,
T01_09 – Arts for Business and society
Davide Bizjak , University of Naples Federico II,
T01_11 – Market for Society: A new deal in the post-COVID 19 era?
Laure Lavorata , University of Reims Champagne Ardenne,
This year, the papers from tracks T01_05, T01_06, and T01_10 below, have been on an exceptional basis assimilated into T01_08.
T01_05 – Redefining Corporate Responsibility: Establishing the principles of ‘purposeful’ business
Eshani Beddewela , Huddersfield Business School,
T01_06 – Reshaping capitalism around Sustainability, Social innovation, and Frugality
Linh-Chi Vo , ESDES, Lyon Business School,
T01_10 – Reimagining Capitalism: Exploring Organizational Pathways
Sofiane Baba , Université de Sherbrooke,