Books, Journals & Publications
[SIG 01 – B4S – Business for Society]
NEW BOOK by Frank Brueck
IKIGAI for Leaders and Organisations
The way to individual and collective purpose and meaning in business
Based on the wisdom of the old Japanese philosophy of IKIGAI (the reason/purpose of life), this book introduces a model to assess and identify 8 different types of leaders and 8 different business cultures along four dimensions:
- What you are really good at
- What do you love to do
- What the world needs
- What you need for the market
Only when you manage to truly integrate all these four dimensions personally as a leader or collectively as an organisation, you reach IKIGAI – a state in which purpose and meaning fulfil the daily life of individual leaders and entire organisations. A very practical guide with assessments and lots of real life cases and examples.
More info:
[SIG 01 – B4S – Business for Society]
Pathways to Connect Creativity and Sustainable Development provides multiple disciplinary perspectives on how creative processes are brought about and maintained for the purpose of sustainable development. The book is inspired by the philosophy of ARTEM (ARts, Technology &Management), a transdisciplinary approach to scientific research and learning. It contributes to the ongoing discussion on how creativity relates to sustainable development. The book positions the concepts of creativity and sustainability in a sound theoretical framework and explores issues of practical and theoretical value covering a wide range of themes, including arts, artistic interventions and embodiment, methods and space for creativity in change and sustainable development, sustainable community development and corporate sustainability and creativity. This volume profits from the variety of methodologies and case-based expertise of the authors from various disciplines and origins.
More info:
[SIG 01 – B4S – Business for Society]
Thomas J. Roulet published a new book new book on negative social evaluations (stigma, scandal, disapproval, controversies, etc) and their potential benefits entitled “The Power of Being Divisive: Understanding Negative Social Evaluations” (Stanford University Press, 2020).
The book covers a number of examples from Trump to Chick-Fil-A or Google and approaches a variety of contemporary questions including the role of social media, conspiracy theories, trolling.
You can have a look at the publisher’s page:
[SIG 02 – COGO – Corporate Governance]
Corporate Governance: An International Review
Call for Proposals: Review Issue 2022 Deadline for Submissions of Proposals: March 1, 2021
More info:
[SIG 02 – COGO – Corporate Governance]
Corporate Governance: An International Review
Call for Special Issue Proposals
Deadline for Submissions of Proposals: August 1, 2021
More info:
[SIG 02 – COGO – Corporate Governance]
Call for Papers
Corporate Governance: An International Review
Special Issue on
“Corporate Governance Mechanisms in light of the COVID-19 Crisis: How Fi- nancial Information and Regulation, Managerial Decision-Making, and Policy Intervention Can Shape the Economic Recovery”
More info:
[SIG 02 – COGO – Corporate Governance]
Mr. Al-Omaisi Najeeb is currently a PhD candidate at G. U.A. S is particularly involved in governance, public policy, and public administration, in the final steps to conclude the research project; Al-Sayed, Mr. Al-omaisi published last June a research paper on the impact of political instability on economic growth, and with his colleagues, start establishing of (Y G C P D) in Berlin. Mr. Al-omaisi is one of the PhD research papers at DAAD in Germany. In July, Alomaisi attended the Utrecht Summer School webinar from July 20, 2020 – July 24, 2020 on corporate governance after the financial crisis. Alomaisi’s research examines the challenges of governance in Yemen. Besides preparing the final stage of the thesis; Establish a framework for good governance. Alomaisi is planning a research project (Explaining the Links Between Religion, Populism, Clergy, and Governance).
[SIG 03 – ENT – Entrepreneurship]
Omrani N., Maalaoui A., Perez C., Bertrand G., Germon R., 2020, “Geographic Dimension, Information Asymmetry, and the Success of Crowdfunding campaign”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, forthcoming
[SIG 03 – ENT – Entrepreneurship]
Call for papers in International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research on “Artificial Intelligence as an Enabler for Entrepreneurs”
EURAM members are welcome to submit papers to this special issue.
[SIG 03 – ENT – Entrepreneurship]
We seek chapter contributions for a book that will be published by Springer which will make significant contributions to the theory and practice of entrepreneurship in international contexts by enhancing our understanding of the role of cultures, contexts, and behaviours on entrepreneurial decision-making. The chapters will cover multidisciplinary issues across a wide range of contexts and perspectives. Please see the full description, requirements, and detail information attached.
Deadline for proposals: 30th October 2020. Deadline for full chapter: 15th February 2021.
More info:
[SIG 03 – ENT – Entrepreneurship]
Entrepreneurs and Capitalism since Luther: Rediscovering the Moral Economy
by Ivan Light and Léo-Paul Dana
[SIG 03 – ENT – Entrepreneurship]
Call for Paper “Social Entrepreneurship in Times of Crisis” No. 1/2021:
This issue of “Social Entrepreneurship Review” (SER aims to collect original, inspiring and research-grounded studies focusing on the way small community initiatives, organizational level changes and wide social movements, as well as cross-sector projects and programs answer to crisis situations. We accepted also short papers illustrating national responses in this area. This issue of SER aims to display the CEE region perspective, but is not limited to papers providing evidence from this region. Authors are invited to submit empirical research results as well as case studies.
[SIG 04 – FABR – Family Business Research]
New Book – Family Business and Regional Development edited by Rodrigo Basco, Roger Stough and Lech Suwala (Routledge / London) to be published in November 2020
For Further Information see:
The e-Book will be available open access!
[SIG 05 – GRDO – Gender, Race, and Diversity in Organisations]
Martin L., Omrani N., 2019, “Understanding Senior Entrepreneur Behavior”, Journal of Enterprising Culture, 27(3), p. 1-24, DOI: 10.1142/S0218495819002237
[SIG 05 – GRDO – Gender, Race, and Diversity in Organisations]
Omrani N., Martin L., 2019, “How to Support Women Seniorpreneurs in Europe?”, in Handbook of Research on elderly entrepreneurship, Springer
[SIG 06 – INNO – Innovation]
Prometheus, published by Pluto Journals and now in its 43rd year, welcomes submissions from Management academics. Prometheus is an international, multidisciplinary journal, proud to refuse an impact factor. Check it out at
Prometheus publishes critical papers, those that express – and
justify – opinions on innovation issues. We are particularly attracted to papers
that challenge prevailing views. The journal’s scope includes:
- the history of innovation
- information for innovation
- invention and creativity
- diffusion of innovation
- science and technology policy
- organisational strategy for innovation
- intellectual property rights
- communication and information technology
- the social, economic and political environment of innovation
- the management of innovation
- the evaluation of innovation
Papers should not be so technical or specialised that they cannot be appreciated by a wide readership that includes academics, practitioners and policy makers and excludes no one.
[SIG 06 – INNO – Innovation]
What would happen if we brought together the many open and collaborative ways of producing and disseminating scientific knowledge, both within and beyond the science system? While there are many different terms for related efforts to bring new kinds of knowledge into the research process and to share outputs more openly, yet too often these concepts get discussed in isolation, with knowledge remaining scattered across research fields. To build a unifying foundation, 47 researchers from across the disciplines co-created a novel and integrative conceptualization of the antecedents, contingencies, and outcomes of openness and collaboration in scientific research, which they present in the Open Innovation in Science (OIS) Research Framework (see and which will be published as lead article of a special issue on OIS in Industry and Innovation.
[SIG 06 – INNO – Innovation]
Call for papers in Technological Forecasting and Social Change on “Artificial Intelligence as an Enabler for Innovation”
EURAM members are welcome to submit papers to this special issue.
[SIG 06 – INNO – Innovation]
CALL FOR BOOK CHAPTERS, Routledge Research in the Creative and Cultural Industries series:
Editors of the Book: Elisa SALVADOR, ESSCA School of Management, France, and Jesper STRANDGAARD PEDERSEN, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
For further information, please contact Prof Elisa SALVADOR from ESSCA School of Management,
The full text of the call for book chapters is available here:
More info:
[SIG 06 – INNO – Innovation]
Lecerf M., Omrani N., 2020, “SME Internationalization: The Impact of Information Technology Adoption and Innovation”, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 11(2): 805-824.
[SIG 09 – OB – Organizational Behaviour]
Rosken A. (2020) (Hrsg.): Stärken- und lebensphasenorientiertes Personalmanagement. Multiperspektivische Entwicklung eines Optimierungsmodells fu?r die Praxis. Gabler Verlag. Wiesbaden.
[SIG 09 – OB – Organizational Behaviour]
Hauret L., Martin L., Omrani N., Williams D., 2020, “How do HRM practices improve employee satisfaction?”, Economic and Industrial Democracy, forthcoming.
[SIG 09 – OB – Organizational Behaviour]
Management revue – Socio-Economic Studies – Call for Papers: Employee Voice and the Digitalisation of Work
Guest Editors:
Simon Fietze, University of Southern Denmark
Sylvia Rohlfer, Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF), Spain
Wenzel Matiaske, Helmut-Schmidt-University/University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, Germany
More info:
[SIG 09 – OB – Organizational Behaviour]
The title of the book is – Work in Challenging and Uncertain Times (2020) by Patricia Leighton and Tui McKeown and published by Routledge .
The book was completed before the Covid – 19 struck and we are already aware of its devastating effect on work and its management. It is argued that the impact of the virus will be more serious due to major pre-existing problems in employment, including severe inequalities, the likely impact of new technologies, increasing precarious work, worker health concerns, skill shortages and often ineffective regulatory frameworks.
The book draws on a wide range of data sources and disciplines including social policy making, management, HRM, history, education and law. It is a radical critique of the contemporary world of work.
[SIG 09 – OB – Organizational Behaviour]
Joanne Murphy published a new book on organisational aspects of managing ethno-political conflict and building peace. The book is entitled ‘Management and War: How Organisations Navigate Conflict and Build Peace’ is published by Palgrave Macmillan and is out now in ebook form. Physical copies should be available later in September. The book is endorsed by former Irish Taoiseach and signatory of the Belfast / Good Friday Agreement Bertie Ahern as well as Professor Andrew Pettigrew – Oxford and Professor Hastings Donnan, Queen’s University Belfast. Would it be possible to include it in your ‘Extreme Contexts’ newsletter under the new publications sector? I’ve also included a link to the publisher’s website.
Management and War: How Organisations Navigate Conflict and Build Peace
Author: Murphy, Joanne
Publishers website –
More info:
[SIG 09 – OB – Organizational Behaviour]
What is the future of work? A science mapping analysis
Santana, M. & Cobo, M.J (2020) European Management Journal
This article aims to systematise and provide a structure for research into the Future of Work (FoW). We used SciMAT to conduct a science mapping analysis based on co-word bibliographic networks. The Web of Science (WoS) database was used for article retrieval, and a total of 2,286 documents were identified from 1959 to 2019. Our results are counterintuitive, as concerns over satisfaction, leadership values or corporate social responsibility (CSR) appear alongside traditional human resource management (HRM) themes, such as organisational commitment or careers, as well as more current FoW themes, such as the impact of technological change on employment, wage inequality, vulnerable workers, telework or talent management. In addition, we offer a classification of the most prolific FoW research themes and challenges into technological, social, economic and political categories.
[SIG 09 – OB – Organizational Behaviour]
After ten years of researching how technology is influencing our relationships, Anthony Silard, Ph.D. has published Screened In: The Art of Living Free in the Digital Age. It’s available at or amazon. He also writes a new article weekly on the emotional, psychological and social effects of the pandemic for Psychology Today:
[SIG 10 – PO – Project Organising]
John Wiley & Sons published the 7th edition of Jack Meredith’s Project Management in Practice textbook this August, 2020. Next year his major book Project Management: A Strategic Managerial Approach, 11th edition, will be released.
[SIG 10 – PO – Project Organising]
Finally, a new textbook on Project Management with an Organizational perspective
Stewart Clegg, Torgeir Skyttermoen and Anne Live Vaagaasar have written a textbook on SAGE Publishing, Project Management: A Value Creation Approach. The book provides an updated and nuanced approach to the world of projects that are increasingly ubiquitous across every field of practice.
Projects have in common that they are a form of organizing whose chief characteristic is that they are temporary organizational designs intended to deliver a specific form of value in a specified time. The book conceives projects as tools to create value that can be defined in many ways, for many different categories of actors, explored in the book.
See more at this website:
[SIG 10 – PO – Project Organising]
Finally, a new textbook on Project Management with an Organizational perspective
Stewart Clegg, Torgeir Skyttermoen and Anne Live Vaagaasar have written a textbook on SAGE Publishing, Project Management: A Value Creation Approach. The book provides an updated and nuanced approach to the world of projects that are increasingly ubiquitous across every field of practice.
Projects have in common that they are a form of organizing whose chief characteristic is that they are temporary organizational designs intended to deliver a specific form of value in a specified time. The book conceives projects as tools to create value that can be defined in many ways, for many different categories of actors, explored in the book.
See more at this website:
[SIG 10 – PO – Project Organising]
International Journal of Project Management
Special Issue-Call for Papers: Resilience in Project Studies: An Interdisciplinary Discourse. Guest editors:
Dr Nader Naderpajouh (RMIT University), Dr Juri Matinheikki (Aalto University), Dr Lynn Keeys (WU Vienna University of Economics & Business), Prof Daniel Aldrich (Northeastern University), Dr Igor Linkov (Carnegie Mellon University, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center)
Submission information: Authors wishing to submit papers should submit a proposal (maximum 600 words) to Nader Naderpajouh ( or Juri Matinheikki (
More info:
[SIG 12 – RM&RP – Research Methods and Research Practice]
Title: Handbook of Research Methods on Creativity
Editors: Viktor Dörfler and Marc Stierand
Series title: Handbooks of Research Methods in Management series
Series editor: Mark Saunders
Publication Date: 2020
ISBN: 978 1 78643 964 2
Extent: 400 p
Discount code: DORF35 (valid on printed copies from the publisher’s website)
This Handbook offers an insightful journey through the landscape of research methods used to study the phenomenon of creativity, addressing the maturation of creativity research and its methodological approaches.
Offering a methodological panorama for the global community of creativity researchers, contributors provide markers and viewpoints to better orient scholars and encourage reflection on how one might produce exceptional research on the burgeoning field of creativity. Chapters provide insights into a variety of methodological approaches, contemplating their benefits, limitations, scope of validity and ethical implications. As a contrast, sharp and to the point vignettes, similar to parables, are included to make the reader think.
Allowing space for both established methods and new approaches, this Handbook is crucial reading for researchers interested in creativity at all levels looking to adopt innovative methodological approaches and broaden their research horizons.
[SIG 13- SM- Strategic Management]
CALL FOR BOOK CHAPTERS, Routledge Research in the Creative and Cultural Industries series:
Editors of the Book:
Elisa SALVADOR, ESSCA School of Management, France,
Trilce NAVARRETE, Erasmus University Rotterdam,
Andrej SRAKAR, Institute for Economic Research (IER) and School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana.
Considering the evolving and unstable context due to the pandemic in progress, this Book seeks to investigate actual strategies of Cultural and Creative Industries’ actors, government bodies and cultural institutions facing the COVID-19 crisis and the consequences of these emergency strategies for the future of these sectors. Creative solutions adopted facing the lockdown could reveal beneficial also after the crisis and could originate new forms of cultural consumption or innovative market strategies.
For further information, contact Prof Elisa SALVADOR from ESSCA School of Management,
The full text of the call for book chapters is available here:
More info:
[SIG 13- SM- Strategic Management]
Strategic communication has become a widespread, interdisciplinary term in society over the last few decades and is a process of targeted and networked communication. Strategic communication involves a communication concept that includes the analysis, planning, organisation, implementation and control of internal and external communication of companies and organisations, with the aim of ensuring stringent and coordinated communication with their target groups. The contributions to this volume illuminate strategic communication from a comprehensive research perspective. They confirm the relevance and significance as well as the diversity of strategic communication in business, politics and the military and show that, despite their different perspectives, aspects and fields of activity, there are fundamental similarities in their uses of strategic communication.
More info:
[SIG 13- SM- Strategic Management]
Routledge Research in the Creative and Cultural Industries series,
Editors of the Book:
Elisa SALVADOR, ESSCA School of Management, France,
Trilce NAVARRETE, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Andrej SRAKAR, Institute for Economic Research (IER) and School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana.
Considering the evolving and unstable context due to the pandemic in progress, this Book seeks to investigate actual strategies of Cultural and Creative Industries’ actors, government bodies and cultural institutions facing the COVID-19 crisis and the consequences of these emergency strategies for the future of these sectors. Creative solutions adopted facing the lockdown could reveal beneficial also after the crisis and could originate new forms of cultural consumption or innovative market strategies.
This Book aims at collecting original contributions and identifying best practices that could benefit cultural stakeholders adopting and implementing effective strategies in the next future. We invite qualitative and quantitative papers and are particularly interested in contributions at international level, with a focus on European countries, including cross-country comparisons. We welcome contributions that reflect an experimental nature, based on primary and secondary data collected during the national lockdown periods.
For further information, please contact Prof Elisa SALVADOR from ESSCA School of Management,
The full text of the call for book chapters is available here:
More info:
[SIG 13 – SM – Strategic Management]
Call for papers – Special Issue ‘Dynamic Capabilities: New Ideas, Microfoundations, and Criticism’ at Journal of Management and Organization
In this special issue, we call for papers of conceptual or empirical nature that advance our thinking on dynamic capabilities. We invite research that tackles pertinent issues in relation to the theoretical underpinnings of dynamic capabilities and their microfoundations.
Special Issue Deadline: 30th of January, 2021
Full call for papers:
A Europe-based workshop will take place online in conjunction with the planned EURAM Conference from 3rd to 6th of December. The exact timing will be announced once the schedule of the Conference is released. Participation is not a requirement in order to submit.
Workshop Submission Deadline: 30th of October, 2020
Submit to: or with subject “Pre-Submission Workshop EURAM”
[SIG 14 – Conference General Track]
Fisheries and Aquaculture
The Food Security of the Future
By: Ágúst Einarsson Ásta Dís Óladóttir
Takes a multidisciplinary approach in evaluating the fisheries and aquaculture sectors from the scientific and practical perspectives of industry professionals. The authors recognize the importance of looking at the industry from a value chain viewpoint, not only for food security but also for a blue economy. The book takes a unique and innovative approach to show how fisheries and aquaculture can achieve sustainability and how small fishery communities can become highly successful fishery and aquaculture communities and contribute to overall industry globalization.
A practical and useful reference for scientists and researchers, anyone in ?fisheries management or marine resource management, fish farmers, policy makers, leaders and regulators, operations researchers as well as faculty and students.
[SIG 14 – Conference General Track]
Clegg, S. R., Skyttermoen, T. and Vaagaasar, A. L. (2020) Project Management: A Value Creation Approach. London: Sage. (
Stewart Clegg – Thoughts on online teaching:
Mixed results:
- Doing “tutorials” with 35-40 students for 90 minutes is quite exhausting and demands a great deal of ‘presence’ on the part of the tutor; getting online participation is not easy.
- Webinars with some structured questions for discussion and some quiz questions is both less exhausting and, I think, more useful. However, in the system in which I was teaching the tutorials were obligatory and the webinars were not so the webinar participation was very low.
- The worst aspect is some of the software involved; I found MS Teams very difficult to use for the tutorials – as I had no training in it – so I switched to Zoom and asked the students to self-manage their breakouts – they seemed to be able to do this quite well and were clearly digitally savvy compared to myself.
- I think that a combination of studio quality pre-recorded lectures supported by trained producers plus more low -tech webinars will work well; however, tutorials, I think, should be face to face as soon as the conditions allow for this to occur.
- Tutorials online are a poor option for the students; they miss out on the social interaction; the impromptu nature of a context within which discussion can be curated and flow freely.
- Lectures are, I think much better on line; students have much more flexibility in when they attend.
[SIG 14 – Conference General Track]
EURAM Early Career Community (EECC) members publish new book on Understanding Islamic Business
The 8th EURAM Early Career Colloquium (EECC) held at the Rabat Business School, International University of Rabat in Rabat, Morocco, in 2017 brought together senior and junior faculty members. Their goal was to discuss how to have impact, facilitate innovation as well as catalyse careers. One subject explored further was the rise of Islamic business. The resulting new book discusses how the overarching concept of falah economy, i.e. an economy focused on well-being, impacts companies and management. It is interesting to note that many centuries before the Brundtland Report or the SDGs, well-being emerged as the most desirable outcome of doing business.
Authors: Wolfgang Amann, Amina Dchieche, Steffen Roth
Winterwork, 2020
ISBN-10 : 3960147112
ISBN-13 : 978-3960147114